"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience."

Teilhard de Chardin

Soul Journey Astrology

Soul Journey Astrology (SJA) as its name implies, is concerned with the journey of the Soul over lifetimes. It addresses the spiritual purpose of our lives – who we are and why we are here. The astrological birth chart viewed through this evolutionary lens is a symbolic blueprint of your life plan, revealing the secrets of the past, the imperatives of the present and the keys to personal transformation. The chart contains information about your Soul potential, sacred contracts, personal challenges, responsibilities, limitations, barriers, and the legacies of both your childhood and former lives. Understanding the origins of problematic conditions helps us heal the past, change beliefs and behaviors and make better choices. We are here to become our best Self and to express that Self in the world.

Is this work for you?

SJA is specifically geared to the empowerment of women—and also of men who are in touch with their feminine side. IF you are committed to the quality of your life, proactive in your approach to personal and spiritual growth and believe that you are the architect of your life, you can benefit from this work. SJA can assist you in making lemonade out of lemons—embracing change and taking positive steps (or quantum leaps!) forward. It can help you choose the right time to make decisions, take action or revise your plans.

The goal of Soul Journey Astrology is to empower you to live and work consciously and to move beyond the barriers that keep you from experiencing joy and satisfaction in life. No predictions. Your future is your creation!